來自創辦人的一封信:重新認識 Ematic Solutions (Reimagining Ematic Solutions)

回顧過去 8 年,Ematic Solutions 如初生之犢闖蕩於行銷科技 (Martech) 產業,因而累積了豐富的成功實踐經驗;而我們在全球與來自各方的客戶、投資人、合作夥伴們也有著頻繁且密切的合作關係。作為 Ematic 的創辦人,對於過去累積的種種成就,我感到非常驕傲——然而,我們也清楚地明白,Ematic 最重要的使命仍尚未完成,未來還有一段漫長且未知的路程。 ——Ematic Group 創辦人 Paul Tenney Looking back on the 8 years Ematic has been in business, and the thousands of lives we touched between employees, customers, investors, partners and vendors across our 9 markets in which we operate as well as the rest of the globe, I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished but aware that our mission is far from complete. I think the biggest lesson learned is that innovation isn’t purely a technology phenomenon, and that to address a market as diverse as Southeast Asia, innovation needs to happen at every level of an organization to achieve the goals of the business and our customers. 「Ematic 的核心宗旨,始終是用我們的專業,幫助行銷人員取得真正的成績。 過去,Ematic 在電子報行銷領域累積了豐富的成功實戰經驗,並以此贏得多方客戶與夥伴的信賴;現在,Ematic 期望且『正在』從更全面的領域幫助我們的客戶邁向成功——無論是透過 Ematic 自己的產品技術,或是藉由第三方合作夥伴,同時利用 Ematic 的 Know-how 知識與服