Klaviyo raises monster round ($320M), valued at $9.5b

Well, Klaviyo once again has proven the old axiom: Email Marketing is dead. https://techcrunch.com/2021/05/18/klaviyo-series-d/ That comes hot on the heels of a $200M Series C in November when Ematic Solutions first partnered with them. We think it’s a fantastic product if you’re using an ecommerce platform like Shopify or Big Commerce, but unfortunately most companies in Asia still haven’t adopted modern ecommerce platforms due to the high transactional costs, limitations on payment options, and lack of O2O capabilities. Klaviyo can be used with any ecommerce platform though, even home brew solutions. Ematic can help.

Iterable update: co-founder takes over as CEO

This is good to see: https://iterable.com/blog/andrew-boni-focusing-on-the-future-together/ Looks like Andrew is a co-founder and has been with Iterable since the beginning (8 years+) so that should bring stability following the recent departure of the previous CEO.

Klaviyo lining up to take Bronto customers

After Oracle Netsuite announced the pending demise of Bronto (aside: never name technology after dinosaurs…) Klaviyo is positioning themselves as a good alternative for existing Bronto users: https://www.klaviyo.com/blog/bronto-migration We only ever encountered two Bronto users in 8 years at Ematic, but one of them (Grana) obviously agreed with that recommendation and made the move to Klaviyo nearly four years ago and are still using Klaviyo today, meaning it must have been a good move for them. The other Bronto user we met (Glasses Global) went out of business in 2016…they rode the dinosaur too long and it was too late. If there are any other Bronto users looking to move to Klaviyo (or anything else) give us a shout!