Is your Martech under-utilized

Is your Martech underutilized

MarTech investments account for around 25% to total marketing budget on average, but marketers report that they utilize only 42% of the capabilities available in their MarTech stack.

Our recipe to your content marketing success

In many ways, creating good content is just like cooking. Content is easy to make, but hard to master. Follow me as I unfold our secrets and processes to make the perfect recipe that will cook up some delicious content. Deriving A Bespoke Content Strategy (= creating a recipe) Even the same dish can have different variations. The key lies in how to marry together the individual tastes to create balanced, flavorsome food. At Ematic, we customize a unique recipe for your content strategy that best pairs your brand and positioning with your audience. Combining the art and science, our strategy in particular is backed with solid insights and performance-driven optimizations. Defining Audience Personas (= preparing the ingredients) When cooking, the finer details matter. If your ingredients are chopped too finely, you might find that they burn quickly, however when cut too thick, the cooking time may increase. Similarly, we build multi-faceted personas that go beyond demographic and interest, group your audience neither too narrow nor too broad, and decide the way to nurture them (the culinary method) depending on their personas and individual needs. Developing Content (= cooking + seasoning) Creating the perfect dish requires good time keeping, temperature awareness. Our talented content marketing specialists offer all these skills and more. We focus on creating messages that resonate with your audience and cut through the noise, and spice it up by applying copywriting and design on the most suitable form of media to make your content even more engaging. Achieving Content-Channel fit (= plating) Lastly, food presentation pulls all five senses together and enhances the eating experience. Using the right plate size and style is important in plating, and it’s the same when you present content on different channels. We keep up with the latest trends and new platform features to tailor the content that fits the best of each channel’s nature. Find the right “Chef” Good content is as delightful as a delicious meal, and we are sure you (and your customers) enjoy both! Find the right “chef” to help you turn your content experience from “yuck” to “yum”! 與顧問免費諮詢

All You Need To Know About Performance Marketing

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Performance marketing is an excellent method to build your brand, improve product awareness, interact with your audience or even increase your sales without worrying about wasting tight budget, but what is it exactly?