Holiday Season 2021: The Ultimate Marketing Guide

The Holiday Season is coming up – this time of year is the Highest performing Quarter for E-commerce businesses. Consumers are in a great mood and are ready to shop. As people take time off, digital activity hits all time highs. This year, with so much uncertainty due to Covid 19, marketers are wondering how to optimize their strategies with all the pandemic constraints and new shifts in customer behavior. To help you embrace all the challenges and get well prepared for this time, we have prepared An ultimate guide to Holiday Email Marketing that will ensure that you end the season with a big hurrah! Let’s get ready to rake in that revenue!

Uz rizik da postane beskoristan žargon – termin “growth stack” se brzo proširio, i na granici je da postane dio standardnog vokabulara u 2022 godini. Počnimo sa definicijom tako da ga možemo koristiti u pravom smislu, a ne kao još jedan zvučni izraz. Termin “growth stack”, vodi porijeklo od izraza “growth hacking” ili hakovanje rasta. To je disciplina čiji je cilj brz rast baze korisnika kroz testiranje, analizu i optimizaciju. Terminologija “stack” dolazi iz svijeta developmenta, ali efektivno izražava set alatki koje rade skupa da bi postigle određeni rezultat. Tako da je “growth stack” u stvari set alata za postizanje rasta koje marketari koriste sa fokusom na brzo uspostavljanje korisničke baze. Zašto je ovaj koncept toliko zvučan? Jedan od razloga je što su se alati značajno poboljšalji u zadnjih nekoliko godina, a mogućnost da se alati integrišu kroz širi digitalni ekosistem je uveliko napredovala. Marketari sanjaju o ovom trenutku, već decenijama, a sada po prvi put mogu zaista postići potpuno integrisan ekosistem sa ograničenom presonalizacijom. Ključna promjena se desila još deceniju ranije, ali su kompanije počele praviti proizvode sa ciljem da će jednog dana biti dio “growth stacka”, prije nego su se odlučili za samostalna rješenja. Oni koji su bili dovoljno čulni da vide raznolikost digitalnog ekosistema, shvatili su da je “sve u jednom” fantazija i da će alternativnan pristup postati “najbolji u klasi”, a samim tim kako bi lakše radili sa ostalima koji su “najbolji u klasi”. To znači da alat napravljen u svrsi da postane komponenta u “growth stacku” mora uzeti u obzir integracije i arhitekturu podataka prije nego što uopšte počne razmatrati sam proizvod, koji će na kraju krajeva biti beskoristan, ako ne uspije istovremeno primati podatke i dostavljati ih ostatku ekosistema. Fundamentalno je vrlo jednostavno i uključuje korisničke podatke, podatke o događajima, podatke o kampanjama i administrativne podatke. Sve to mora biti dvostrano od samog starta, tako da arhitektura podataka mora dopustiti podatke koji nisu struktuisani iz svih navedenih vrsta – a oni se onda prikupljaju po potrebi. Potreban je i robustan API koji može unijeti sve podatke, ali i eksporotvati ih. Sad kad je nova generacija tehnologije stigla i sazrela, marketinški san o potpuno integrisanom digitalnom ekosistemu je postao stvarnost. S obzirom na to, u Aziji je tek započela integracija takvog rada, tok se marketinški timovi i dalje bore sa naslijeđenim sistemima, relativno visokim cijenama – da bi uopšte počeli graditi “growth stack” i sa generalnim manjkom znanja i solucija kada su u pitanju rješenja rasta. Ipak, svima postaje jasno da ako sad ne naprave korak, njihovi će biznisi brzo zaostati, tako da se marketinška trka uveliko ubrzava. U narednom blogu, pričaćemo o tome koji su ključni elementi i opcije u prostoru a u međuvremeu evo nekoliko savjeta kako početi razmišljati u maniru “growth stacka”: Naučite više o CDP (customer data platform). Ovo je osnovni alat svake ljestvice rasta, i vezivno tkivo koje spaja ostale elemente Izbjegavajte rješenja koja pokrivaju više od jedne komponente “growth stacka”. U takmičarskom svijetu, niko ne može biti najbolji predugo, i ubrzo ćete shvatiti da koliko god vam se sviđalo nešto, uvijek ima bolje. Budite okretni: ključna vrijednost “growth stacka” je to što imate dijelove koji se međusobno mogu skrpiti tako da možete graditi u kontinuitetu Dobro provjerite API dokumentaciju – ako platforma ne može dobiti podatke ili ih ne daje, nije bitno koliko je dobar performans ili funkcija Počnite birati tehnologiju koja sada može biti dio vašeg “growth stacka”. Ne morate ga odmah izgraditi, ali imajte na umu da dobar koncept i poznavanje tehnologija mogu biti od velike prednosti ostatku ekosistema Graditi “growth stack” je put ka osiguravanju budućnosti za vaš biznis. Integrisan i raznolik ekosistem koji se može sistematski unaprijediti tokom vremena je jedini način da preduhitrite njegovo propadanje ili zaostajanje.
Growth Stack – What it is & Why you need to build one

At the peril of falling into useless jargon, the term “growth stack” has been catching on fast in recent years, and is on the verge of being part of our common lexicon headed into 2022. Let’s start with a definition so we can use the term in it’s proper sense vs just another “buzzword.” The term “growth stack” derives from growth hacking, which is a discipline focused on rapid growth of a user base through the use of iterative testing, analysis and optimization. The “stack” terminology comes from the development world, but effectively refers to a set of tools that work together to achieve a specific result. So, a growth stack is basically the set of tools a growth hacker or growth marketer uses with the specific focus on rapidly building their user base. Why is this concept catching on so quickly? For one thing, it’s because the tools available have improved dramatically in the past few years, and the ability to integrate tools from across a wider digital ecosystem has taken a radical leap forward. Marketers have been dreaming of this moment for decades, and now for the first time it’s truly possible to achieve a fully-integrated ecosystem with limited customization requirements. The key change really started almost a decade ago, but essentially companies started building products with an intentional focus on being a component of a growth stack rather than trying to be an “all-in-one” solution. Those who were insightful enough to see the near exponential diversification of the digital ecosystem came to realize that “all-in-one” is a pure fantasy, and that the alternate approach is to become a pure “best of breed” solution that could readily work with other best of breed solutions. What this means is that a tool built for the purpose of being a component in a growth stack must first consider integration and data architecture before even thinking about the product itself. The product will be useless if it can’t both consume data it needs from other sources, and be able to deliver the data it captures and generates back to the rest of the ecosystem. Fundamentally, it’s pretty simple and it breaks down into user data, event data, campaign data and potentially some administrative data. All of that must be bilateral from the beginning, so the data architecture must allow for unstructured data of all of those types that can then be used and compiled as necessary. It must have a robust API that can ingest that data as well as export it. So now that this new generation of technology has arrived and matured, the marketing dream of a fully-integrated digital ecosystem has become a reality. That said, here in Asia adoption has only just begun as marketing teams struggle with legacy systems, relatively high investment costs to begin building a growth stack, and a general lack of knowledge or experience in sourcing solutions and building the stack. Increasingly though, everyone is becoming aware that if they don’t start making the move now, their business will rapidly fall behind their competitors, and so the marketing technology arms race is truly heating up. In our next piece, we’ll review some of the key players and options in the space, but in the meantime we’ll finish up here with a few tips and core principles when thinking about building a growth stack: Building a growth stack is the path to future-proofing your business. A diversified, integrated ecosystem that and be systematically upgraded over time is the only way to prevent either falling behind or needing to undergo a whole sale overhaul down the road.

Ako ste u potrazi za novim marketinškim tehnologijama, pametan potez bi bio da kontaktirate sa Ematic Solutions-om. Bez posebne naknade, cijeli jedan tim će vam se pridružiti kao agent kupovine i pomoći vam da razmotrite najpogodnije opcije, ugovorite najbolje cijene, osiguraće da dobijete najbolje proizvode po najboljim cijenama svaki put. Naši timovi su lokalni i razumiju vaše potrebe, a radiće za vas kako bi osigurali da ostvarite očekivani ishod. Ematic Solutions nije naročito naklonjen nijednoj tehnologiji i ne pokušava vam prodati nešto. Tu smo da vam pomognemo sa svakim aspektom kupovnog procesa, a ponekad je rješenje jednostavno u otklanjanju grešaka sa postojećim provajderom, bez kupovine novog proizvoda. Ukoliko biste direktno komunicirali sa provajderima, tada biste na raspolaganju jedino imali njihove agente prodaje. Njihov zadatak bi bio da vas ubijede kako je njihov proizvod najbolji i najvjerovatnije bi vam prodali proizvod po najvišoj mogućoj cijeni pod uslovima koji najviše njima odgovaraju. Prodavac vam nikada neće reći kako je njihov proizvod loš ili neodgovarajući za vaš biznis, naprotiv, ubijediće vas da je taj proizvod baš ono za čim ste u potrazi, često izvrćući samu istinu. Nije li onda bolje imati nekoga na “vašoj strani” ko bi vam mogao dati iskrene i nepristrasne informacije? Zar ne biste željeli nekoga ko je vidio na hiljade ugovora i ko poznaje aktuelne tarife tržišta, ko može pregovarati u vaše ime i pomoći vam da ugovorite najpogodnije uslove? Ili još bolje, zar ne bi bilo odlično kada NE biste imali deset prodavaca koji vas stalno pozivaju, šalju iznova ponude i stvaraju vam pritisak vremenskim ograničenjem koji je zasnovan na njihovim, a ne vašim potrebama? Ematic Solutions ima tim od preko 100 stručnjaka marketinških tehnologija, koji konstantno pretražuju tržište i čitav ekosistem koji sada uključuje preko 10,000 kompanija. Mi vam možemo dati pregled tržišta i pomoći da suzite izbor na nekoliko preporučenih proizvoda koji najviše odgovaraju vašim potrebama. Kada ste spremni, naši konsultanti za rast vam mogu pomoći da se javite provajderima za koje ste zainteresovani, te možete organizovati sastanke direktno sa njima, a onda suziti vaš izbor na nekoliko koji vam najviše odgovaraju. Ako se ispostavi da niste spremni ili da vam niti jedan provajder ne odgovara, ne brinite! Niste obavezni da platite, a ako želite, možete istražiti još opcija. S druge strane, ako ste zainteresovani da kupite nešto, tada vam vjerovatno Ematic može najviše pomoći: naš tim ima uvid u preko hiljadu ugovora godišnje, poznajemo tarife tržišta i uslove ugovora. Možemo pregovarati u vašu korist, a ishod će biti da vi dobijete najbolji proizvod, za najbolju cijenu, i to svaki put kada kupujete preko Ematic-a. A možda najbolje od svega: nije nužno sve gotovo kada kupite proizvod! Ematic vam može pomoći sa svim implementacijama, migracijama, integracijama sa drugim marketinškim tehnologijama kao i sa kontinualnom podrškom – i to sve sa lokalnom i profesionalnom podrškom. To svakako nije sve, jer mi redovno vršimo pregledanje marketinških tehnologija i ponuda na tržištu, tražeći najnaprednija rješenja koja ćemo zasigurno prvi otkriti. Paul Tenney Founder
Ematic can help you SOURCE marketing technology at the best prices and terms
If you’re in the market for new marketing technology, the smart move is to contact Ematic Solutions first. At no cost to you, an entire team of experts joins your team as your “buyer’s agent” to help you review the best options, negotiate the best deals, and ensure that you get the best product at the best price every time. Our teams are local and understand your needs, and will work on your behalf to ensure that you get the outcome you are looking for. Ematic Solutions isn’t beholden to any one technology, and isn’t here to sell you something. We are here to help you with every aspect of the buying process, and sometimes the answer is to simply fix what’s wrong with your current provider or not buy anything at all if there’s not a good match for your needs. When you contact providers directly, they will send you their agents, whom you know as “sales people.” It’s their profession to convince you that their product is the best for you and get you to buy it at the highest possible price and the most favorable terms to them. A sales person will never tell you that their product isn’t a good fit for your business, and often times will even stretch the truth about their product’s capabilities to convince you that it can do exactly what you’re looking for. Isn’t it a good idea then to have someone on your team who can provide honest, unbiased opinions? Don’t you want someone on your team who’s seen thousands of contracts and knows what the market rates are, where you can negotiate, and can help create the best environment for you to get the deal you want? Even better, wouldn’t it be great not to have 10 sales people calling you constantly, sending you follow ups and check ins, and pressuring you on timelines that are based on their needs vs your needs? Ematic Solutions has a team of over 100 marketing technology experts constantly reviewing the entire ecosystem that now includes 10k+ companies building marketing technology. We can give you an overview of the market and help narrow down a few recommendations that will uniquely fit your needs. When you’re ready, our Growth Consultants can help reach out to the providers you’re interested in to organize pitch meetings directly with them, then narrow down to a few finalists for the negotiations to begin. If you’re not ready or didn’t find the right thing, no worries! There’s no commitment to buy and if you’d like we can help explore some more options. If you are ready to proceed into the buying process, this is perhaps where Ematic can help most: collectively our team sees thousands of deals every year, and we know what the current market rates look like, and what kind of terms can be negotiated in your favor. The outcome will be that you get the right product at the best possible price, every time when you start with Ematic. Perhaps best of all: we’re not done once the purchase is complete! Ematic can also help with implementations, migrations, integrations with your other marketing technology and ongoing support, all delivered locally and professionally. Not only that, we’re constantly reviewing the marketing technology landscape, and if something better becomes available, we’ll be the first to let you know.
Poruka našeg osnivača: Novi koncept Ematic Solutions-a

Kad pogledamo unazad osam godina, koliko već postoji Ematic, i na hiljade ljudi među kojima su zaposleni, klijenti, investitori, partneri i prodavci iz devet zemalja u kojima poslujemo – moram reći da sam vrlo ponosan na naša postignuća, ali i svjestan da smo daleko od kraja misije. Smatram da je najveća lekcija koju smo izvukli do sad činjenica da inovacija nije strogo povezana sa tehnologijom i da je za raznoliko tržište Jugoistočne Azije, inovacija ključna na organizacijskom nivou, jer ona pomaže ostvarenju cilja biznisa naših klijenata. Ematic je uvijek zastupao pristup raspodjele marketinške tehnologije: fokusirani, najbolji proizvodi koji gaze monolitska “sve u jednom” rješenja. Dok je naš biznis rastao, shvatili smo da isto razmišljanje moramo primjeniti i na našu firmu, što je dovelo do radikalne promjene u pozicioniranju na tržištu. Naša misija je oduvijek bila da marketerima isporučimo stvarne rezultate – bilo kroz sopstvenu tehnologiju ili partnere. Iako smo i dalje najpoznatiji po e-mail marketingu, naš pogon ka boljim rezultatima, doveo nas je na mjesta gdje smo bliže integrisanom pristupu čitavog spektra digitalnog marketinga. Odlučili smo poslušati vlastiti savjet i ponovo razmisliti o Ematic-u, ne kao jednoj firmi, već ekosistemu gdje se najbolje vrste ponuda okupljaju u jedinstvenom sloju biznis interfejsa koji sve uvezuje da bi predstavio cjelinu veću od pojedinačnih dijelova. Danas smo reorganizovani u Ematic Grupaciju, koja okuplja prvobitna tri brenda i biznis jedinice: digitalnu agenciju Elixus, tehnološki biznis Sub AI i naš prepoznatljivi brend Ematic Solutions – kao konsultante marketniških tehnologija. Kombinovani efekat ove tri biznis jedinice nam daje snagu i fleksibilnost da se pozabavimo jezgrovitim izazovima s kojima se marketeri Jugoistočne Azije svakodnevno susreću. Najbitniji izazov kada je u pitanju digitalno iskustvo potrošača u Jugoistočnoj Aziji – svodi se na jednu ključnu stvar: disekonomija na količinu. Budimo iskreni: Amerikancima je lako da se koriste tehnologijom, jer cijena ide u prilog korisnicima tehnologije, a potrošna moć kupca je mnogo veća. To znači da u Jugoistočnoj Aziji plaćamo više za tehnologiju i što je suprotstavljeno populaciji koja ima znatno manju potrošnu moć. To često poremeti inicijativu marketera. Ako bismo htjeli olakšati život potrošača, zaposlenih i biznismena Jugoistočne Azije (a želimo!), moraćemo shvatiti srž problema u jedinstvenoj ekonomiji i svaki se put iznova baviti rješenjima. Ako ste upoznati sa našom sjajnom aplikacijom Hi-iQ, onda znate je glavna svrha eliminisanje nepotrebnih troškova u email marketingu. Za one kojima je poznat Elixus, znate i da su oni mašina za povrat uloženog novca na oglašavanje i valorizaciju svakog dolara ( takođe i Bahta, Donga, Ringita, Pesosa, Rupija,…). Na neki način sam uzbuđen što ponovo pretstavljam Ematic Solutions kao brend na tržištu, jer je sposoban da donese rezultate koji će uticati na kolketivnu ekonomsku jedinicu na način koji do sada nismo iskusili. Ematic Solutions je agent prodaje – mi pomažmo marketerima da zasigurno kupe najbolju marketinšku tehnologiju po najpristupačnijoj cijeni sa najboljim omjerom vremena i vrijednosti i maksimalnim dugoročnim povratom investicija. Napravili smo tim čiji je posao da uzmu u obzir sav digitalni marketing u ponudi, procijene proizvode (u smislu cijene i kvaliteta) i prepoznaju koji najbolje funkcionišu uz različite biznise. Trenutno imamo preko 50 marketinških tehnologija širom svijeta. Da bismo najbolje predstavili naš cilj, evo primjera: prije nekoliko godina, Ematic Solutions je prodavao samo Mailchimp. I dalje obožavamo Mailchimp, ali naši partneri danas su mnogobrojni: Iterable, Campaign Monitor, Mailjet, Klaviyo, OneSignal, Active Campaign, Insider, Moengage, Webengage, Messagebird, Twilio, Smartmessage i nekoliko koji tek dolaze. Takođe nudimo usluge na Salesforce Marketing Cloud-u, Adobe Campaign-u, Clevertap-u, Emarsys-u, DotDigital-u i Netcore-u. Naš cilj da marketeri dobiju što veći povrat na uloženo, zahtjeva od Ematic-a da smanji cijenu tako da ne morate plaćati ekskluzivne cijene tehnologije. U mnogim slučajevima, mi dostavljamo: tehnologiju, implementaciju, podršku, i sve to za manje novca nego kada biste tehnologiju kupili direktno. Za one kojima je potrebno i žele više pomoći, pripremamo i čitav spektar usluga koje će pomoći sa “težim stvarima”, koje muče većinu marketera. Upravljati marketniškim timom je kompleksnije nego ikad, i potreba za specijalizovanim pristupom, ponekad nije u skladu sa veličinom organizacije vašeg biznisa, a mi u Ematicu želimo biti vaša “desna ruka” koja će riješiti svaki problem i omogućiti da se svi zupčanici u ekosistemu okreću kao podmazani. Da sumiram: Ematic Solutions nije privržen nijednoj tehnologiji naročito. Možemo pomoći biznisima sa bilo kojom tehnologijom i sa kakvim god problemima. Ematic Solutions je ovdje da izgradi skup tehnologija koje pomažu vašem biznisu da poraste, sa posebnom pažnjom posvećenoj vašem budžetu i mogućnostima prilagođavanja promjenama. Živimo i radimo u vrlo uzbudljivom vremenu, a tek smo počeli. Pridružite nam se na putovanju u bolju Jugoistočnu Aziju.
A letter from our Founder: Re-imagining Ematic Solutions.

Looking back on the 8 years Ematic has been in business, and the thousands of lives we touched between employees, customers, investors, partners and vendors across our 9 markets in which we operate as well as the rest of the globe, I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished but aware that our mission is far from complete. I think the biggest lesson learned is that innovation isn’t purely a technology phenomenon, and that to address a market as diverse as Southeast Asia, innovation needs to happen at every level of an organization to achieve the goals of the business and our customers. Ematic has always advocated a distributed approach to marketing technology: focused, best of breed products will beat monolithic “all-in-one” initiatives every time. At some point as our business grew, and our offerings grew, we realized this same thinking needed to apply to our own business which has led to a fairly radical re-think about our positioning in the market. Our mission has always been to deliver real results for marketers – whether through our own technology, through 3rd party partners, or through our knowhow and services. While we’re still best known for Email Marketing, our drive to deliver results has increasingly led us to new places in a quest to bring a more integrated approach to the entire scope of digital marketing. We decided to heed our own advice, and re-imagine Ematic as not a single company, but an ecosystem where best of breed offerings can thrive and a unifying layer of business interfaces tie everything together to generate a whole that’s greater than the sum of it’s parts. Today we have reorganized into Ematic Group, which sports an initial lineup of three brands and business units, separating our digital agency (Elixus), our technology business (Sub AI) and bringing back our flagship brand, Ematic Solutions as a Marketing Technology Consultancy. The combined effect of these three business units gives us both the strength and the flexibility to tackle the core challenges faced by marketers in markets across Southeast Asia. The most fundamental challenge of building great digital experiences for consumers in Southeast Asia boils down to one key thing: diseconomies of scale. Let’s face it: the Americans have it good when it comes to tech because the unit costs of technology are exceedingly favorable when you have a large single market and high Customer Lifetime Values. That means in Southeast Asia we pay higher unit costs for technology and leverage that against a population with significantly lower spending power, and frequently that leaves marketers upside down on their digital marketing initiatives. If we want to build better lives for consumers, employees and businesses in Southeast Asia (…and we do!), we must understand that core challenge in unit economics and address it at every turn. Those of you who know our killer app, Hi-iQ know that it has a singular purpose of eliminating wasteful spend in email marketing. Those of you who know Elixus know that they are an ROAS Machine focused on maximizing every dollar (Baht, Dong, Ringget, Peso, Rupiah too) spent. In some ways though, I’m almost most excited about reintroducing the Ematic Solutions brand to the market as it is capable of delivering impact on our collective unit economics challenge in a way we’ve not been able to do before. Ematic Solutions is a Buyer’s Agent – we help marketers ensure that you’re buying the best marketing technology at the best price with the fastest time-to-value and the maximum long-term return on investment. We have built a team who’s job is to scope the entire digital marketing landscape across the globe, evaluate the products in terms of price and quality, and identify which are most uniquely fit for our markets. We have now partnered with more than 50 marketing technology firms from around the globe and are adding more every day. To illustrate the point, a few years ago Ematic Solutions was a pure MailChimp shop. We still love those guys, but our roster of partners today just for messaging includes Iterable, Campaign Monitor, Mailjet, MailGun, Klaviyo, OneSignal, Active Campaign, Insider, Moengage, Webengage, Messagebird, Twilio, Smartmessage and several more coming soon. We also offer services on Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Adobe Campaign, Clevertap, Emarsys, DotDigital and Netcore. Our quest to help marketers maximize their ROI requires Ematic to minimize our costs so you don’t pay “on top” of your tech. In many scenarios, we can deliver technology, implementation of the technology, local support and services all for less than if you simply bought the technology directly. For those who want and need more help, we are also unveiling a whole range of services to help with a lot of the really “tough stuff” that many business struggle with. Let’s face it: operating a marketing team these days is getting more complex all the time, and often the need for specialization simply doesn’t align with the size of organization that makes sense for your business, and we want Ematic Solutions to be your swiss army knife to fill the gaps and ensure your entire ecosystem is running like a well-oiled machine. The bottom line: Ematic Solutions isn’t beholden to any particular technology. We can help your business with any marketing technology, and with any challenges you are having with your marketing technology. Ematic Solutions is here to build you the growth stack of your dreams, catered to your needs and budget, and open up a world of flexibility to adapt to whatever changes may come. It’s a very exciting time, and we are just getting started. Come join us on a journey to a better Southeast Asia.
Congratulations, Doug Chestnut!

That’s a little inside joke for our friends at Mailchimp – we know it’s “Ben Chestnut.” What a journey it’s been for those guys from a small-time agency business to the largest email marketing firm in the world, and a whopping $12 billion final price at the exit. Ematic Solutions essentially built our business around Mailchimp in the early days, becoming their largest partner in the world at one point (and still one of the largest today). We had the privilege of meeting the Mailchimp folks both in Singapore and at their headquarters in Atlanta a few years back, and it’s simply a great company with great people who have worked very hard to create one of the best products the world has ever known. The deal also seems to make a lot of sense for Intuit, despite what some folks are saying. Mailchimp has always focused on small business, and that will bring a ton of users into the Intuit ecosystem. If you’re an existing customer on Mailchimp, you should contact us to find out how we can help optimize your experience, cost and performance.
Upozorenje: Problemi sa Microsoft domenima

Čini se da postoji problem u vezi sa Microsoft-ovim domenima (Hotmail, MSN, Outlook), koji uzrokuje veliki porast žalbi na zloupotrebu i stope odjavljivanja.Ovo utiče na sve ESP-ove i pošiljaoce mejlova, čak i na one sa veoma dobrom reputacijom i dobrim menadžmentom korisničke pretplate. Ematic istražuje problem kako bismo primjenili preventivne i korektivne mjere, a u određenim scenarijima mogli bismo preporučiti privremeno suzbijanje svih Hotmail, MSN ili Outlook domena. Korisnici Mailchimp-a bili su posebno pogođeni zbog njihovog automatizovanog sistema „blokiranja naloga“, koji je zahtjevao prisilno uklanjanje velikih dijelova potpuno važećih pretplatnika, kao i blokiranje svih budućih unosa na nalog. Ako je vaš račun blokiran i potrebna vam je pomoć, kontaktirajte s nama. Više informacija ćemo objaviti kada postanu dostupne.
ALERT: Issues with Microsoft Domains

There appears to be an issue related to Microsoft domains (Hotmail, MSN, Outlook), causing massive spikes in abuse complaints and unsubscribe rates. This is affecting all ESP’s and email senders, even those with very good data management and subscription management practices. Ematic is investigating this issue to understand what preventative or corrective measures can be put in place, and in certain scenarios we might recommend suppressing all Hotmail, MSN or Outlook domains temporarily. Mailchimp users have been specifically affected due to their automated “account blocking” system, requiring forced removals of large portions of their perfectly valid subscribers, as well as a block on all future imports to the account. If your account has been blocked and you need help, please contact us. We will post more information as it becomes available.