Meet our sister company: Elixus Agency

Patterned after “Growth Stack” technology, Ematic Group not only builds technology but we form agencies with best-of-breed businesses that focus on a local touch, regional coverage, and global scale that uniquely fill gaps in the market. Introducing an award-winning digital agency and a part of the Ematic group, Elixus offers a fully integrated approach to digital marketing, focusing on performance marketing and tackling everything else it encompasses. Performance Marketing Social Media Marketing Website Design & Development Branding & Content Creation SEO Audit & Implementation Founded in 2019 by the CEO & Founder Cyril Dheanut with other board members, they have expanded their presence in eight countries in two years, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. In 2021, they have set footprints in the United Kingdom and France to extend their services in the European market together with the agency partner – Elixus is not about revolutionizing digital marketing, just doing it better. With their unique in-house proprietary Ad tech, where all the design for A/B testing is done in-house – for free, and where the project team is not merely a service team but acts as your remote team with solid business acumen. A/B Test At Scale & Motion First. If you are keen to explore some of the case studies and the brands that Elixus works with, you can check them out on this page. Contact us today to speak to one of our digital marketing experts to discover how Elixus can help your business grow.

Ranije smo diskutovali o tome zašto su Segment Connections proizvodi pravo rješenje ako želite početi sa sjedinjavanjem najboljih tehnologija u “growth stack”. U današnjem članku pišemo o CDP funkcionalnosti, koja podrazumijeva sveobuhvatni pogled na vaše podatke kroz jednu platformu. Iako Segment ima Persone proizvode koji pomažu u gradnji korisničkih profila u realnom vremenu, Tealium, je rješenje napravljeno za poslovne gigante, koje vam omogućuje da tačno i uz razumijevanje dobijete profile vaših klijenata kroz AudienceStream. CDP sve više postaje osnova oko koje se gradi cjelokupno angažovanje brenda. Ako ga imate kao jedini i istinski izvor podataka, moći ćete da kreirate nezaboravna i personalizovana iskustva za svoje klijente. Drugi razlozi su takođe zato što vam omogućava da: Dobijete brže uvide u klijente jer će sve teći u realnom vremenu. Personalizujete angažovanje klijenata na osnovu podataka koje ste dobili iz različitih izvora (web, mobilne, digitalne aplikacije, internet, podaci van mreže, itd.) Pratite aktivnosti na više kanala. I na kraju, omogućava vam da koristite najbolja rješenja bez razmišljanja o tome koliko vremena i troškova treba da potrošite zbog svoje moderne integrisane infrastrukture. Tealium-ov AudienceStream proizvod je dizajniran da ostvari te ciljeve. Daje vam potpunu sliku o vašem klijentu i fleksibilnost da prilagodite njihove profile koji su podesni prema vašim poslovnim pravilima. Kada dođe do aktiviranja podataka, AudienceStream se integriše sa preko 1300 rješenja koji omogućavaju uslovljene radnje unutar marketinških tehnologija koje trenutno koristite, a koje se baziraju na akcijama klijenata u realnom vremenu. Uz to, Tealium se smatra rješenjem za preduzeća uglavnom zato što otvara svoju platformu tako da bude prilagodljiva korisnicima, što se takođe odražava na cijenu proizvoda. Druge alternative kao što su Segment i mParticle takođe nude svoje prednosti. Međutim, preporučujemo da proverite Tealium-ov AudienceStream ako tražite rješenje koje će biti vaš jedini relevantan izvor, a koji nudi fleksibilnost i laku integraciju. Ako želite da saznate više o Tealium-ovom AudienceStream-u, Ematic vam može pomoći i organizovati demonstraciju, a i obezbijediti da dobijete najbolju ponudu. Štaviše, ako je potrebna dodatna podrška, nudimo usluge implementacije i konsultacije kako bismo garantovali nesmetano uključivanje i maksimalno usvajanje rješenja. Kontaktirajte s nama da saznate više!
Tealium: The enterprise-grade solution for your single source of truth

Previously, we discussed why Segment’s Connections product is the solution to go if you want to start building modern best-of-breed growth stack marketing. (for those who haven’t read it, please check it out at this link) In today’s article, we will cover the actual Customer Data Platform (CDP) functionality, which is getting a 360 view of your data in a single platform. While Segment has the “Personas” product that can build real-time user profiles, Tealium, an enterprise-grade Customer Data Platform, lets you construct highly accurate, comprehensive, and actionable customer profiles with their AudienceStream product. CDP has increasingly become the foundation around which all brand engagement is constructed. Having it as the single source of data truth allows you to create unforgettable and personalized experiences for your customers. Other reasons are also because it enables you to: Get access to the customer insights faster as everything will be flowing in real-time. Personalize your customer engagement from the data you’ve obtained from various sources(web, mobile, digital apps, IoT, offline data, etc.) Keep track of cross-channel activities. And lastly, it allows you to use the best-of-breed solutions without thinking about how much time and cost you need to spend due to its modern integrated infrastructure. Tealium’s AudienceStream product is designed to realize those ends. It gives you the complete picture of your customer and the flexibility to custom-tailor their profiles that are actionable based on your business rules. When it comes to activating the data, AudienceStream integrates with 1,300+ solutions that let you trigger action within the marketing technologies you are already using based on real-time customer data signals. That said, Tealium is considered to be the enterprise-grade solution mainly because they open their platform to be customizable for users to utilize, which is also reflected in the cost of the product. Other alternatives such as Segment and mParticle also offer their own plus points. However, we recommend checking Tealium’s AudienceStream if you’re looking for a solution to be your single source of truth that offers flexibility and easy integrations. If you are keen to learn more about Tealium’s AudienceStream, Ematic can help arrange a demo and ensure you’re getting the best deal. Moreover, if additional supports are needed, we offer implementation service and consultation to guarantee a smooth onboarding and maximum adoption of the solution. Contact us to find out more!

U posljednjoj objavi pokrili smo osnove onoga što čini “growth stack” i zašto je važno imati strategiju. U ovoj objavi ćemo se baviti upravo strategijom kada razmišljamo o građenju ili unaprijeđenju “growth stack”-a. Takođe ćemo pogledati neke osnovne funkcije područja koje obuhvataju “growth stack” kao što su CDP, Messaging Tools. Mobile Attribution i Analitika proizvoda. Kao početnu poziciju, moramo upamtiti da mi u stvari pokušavamo postići to da vaš čitav digitalni ekosistem, bude povezan, integrisan i u međusobnoj komunikaciji. To otvara vrata personalizaciji, tako da možete koordinisati kanale dok istovremeno znate šta se tačno dešava na svim segmentima vašeg “growth stack”-a. Druga vrlo bitna stvar je osigurati vaš biznis za budućnost, tako što ćete imati strateški pogled na sopstvenu tehnologiju i sa malo truda ćete omogućiti spremnost na prilagođavanje – dok vaš digitalni ekosistem bude evoluirao još bržim tempom. Nekoliko važnih principa na koje treba obratiti pažnju: Izbjegavajte multifunkcionalne ili sve-u-jednom rješenja: skoro je nemoguće izabrati rješenje koje će pokriti više tehnoloških problema, a kako se lepeza proizvoda stalno mijenja i nudi novu tehnologiju, takva rješenja jednostavno nemaju šanse. Integracija je obavezna: osnovna funkcija Ematic Solutions-a je da procijeni tehnologiju i API dokumentaciju. Dobar proizvod sa ograničenom dvosmjernom integracijom je potpuno beskoristan marketarima, jer stvara konfuziu u viziji međupovezanog ekosistema. Idealno riješenje bi bilo da su integracije urađene ranije, te da ih mogu uključiti samo marketari bez pomoći inženjera. Promjenite svoj put do slave: ne morate da gradite čitav “growth stack” odjednom. Ako tek počinjete da gradite svoju Growth Stack, samo krenite sa donošenjem tehnoloških izbora koji će postati buduće komponente vašeg “growth stack”-a. Ako razmatrate nekoliko opcija, izaberite onu koja će najbolje odgovarati vašem budućem rastu. Kako vremenom mijenjate dijelove, vaš ekosistem će postajati sve više međusobno povezan kako spajate više dijelova. Održavajte fleksibilnost: Izbjegavajte bilo kakve ugovore duže od godinu dana dok ne budete čvrsto izgrađeni i imate jasan uvid kako će bilo koja tehnologija funkcionisati za vaše poslovanje. Stvari se stalno mijenjaju i što više fleksibilnosti imate sa ugovorima, to ćete biti u boljoj poziciji da mijenjate ili nadogradite komponente kada za to dođe vrijeme. Upravljajte svojim troškovima: Izgradnja Growth Stack-a može biti skupa, a ako smatrate da predlog povećava budžet, potražite kompromise: u zavisnosti od prirode vašeg poslovanja, neki dijelovi skupa rasta će biti važniji od drugih. Investirajte gdje treba, ali potražite neke jeftinije alternative u manje kritičnim komponentama. Imajući ta razmatranja na umu, hajde da pogledamo neke od ključnih komponenti “growth stack”-a: CDP = Customer Data Platform (glavni igrači = Segment, Tealium i mParticle): ovo je suštinski dio infrastrukture, jer je to čvorište podataka za povezivanje svega u vašem digitalnom ekosistemu. Sada postoji mnogo igrača koji reklamiraju CDP kao dio svoje ponude, ali naše mišljenje je da većina njih zapravo nije CDP. Najvažniji aspekt CDP-a je da može da radi sa bilo kojom tehnologijom koju koristite, tako da ako vidite CDP funkcionalnost koja je usko povezana sa drugim osnovnim komponentama Growth Stack-a, to bi trebalo da bude crveno svjetlo. Volimo transparentnost CDP platformi, koja se samo fokusira na ulazne i izlazne podataka dok kreira kompletne i centralizovane profile vaših klijenata. Takođe, na CDP gledamo kao na investiciju, a ne kao direktan povrat ulaganja, tako da ako imate problema sa budžetom, možete na početku početi sa drugim komponentama, ali u nekom trenutku CDP mora biti na vašoj mapi. Mobilna atribucija (glavni igrači = Appsflier, Adjust i Branch): ovo je apsolutno neophodno za svakoga ko ima mobilnu aplikaciju, jer je to jedini način da se izmjeri efikasnost vaših kampanja za preuzimanje aplikacije. Za razliku od veba, gdje imate direktan pristup analitici o tome koji klijenti dolaze iz koje kampanje, kad korisnici odu da preuzmu aplikaciju iz prodavnica, „lanac“ podataka je prekinut jer se događaj dešava isključivo u okruženju treće strane . Alatke za atribuciju ne samo da vam omogućavaju da efikasno mjerite povract ulaganja iz kampanja za preuzimanje aplikacija, već i unose početne podatke o događajima (ko je preuzeo, da li se aktivirao, itd.) u vaš ekosistem podataka. Ovo je ključno za ponovno ciljanje i aktiviranje korisnika. Analitika proizvoda (glavni igrači = Mixpanel i Amplitude): ključ za brzi rast vaše korisničke baze je iterativni pristup optimizaciji vaše aplikacije. Testiranje, analiza i iteracija čine jezgro obezbjeđivanja da vaši korisnici vole proizvod, a alatke za analitiku proizvoda su napravljene za timove proizvoda da lako izvode ovaj iterativni pristup. Kao sporedna prednost, podaci koje generišu ovi proizvodi su ODLIČNI za marketinške stručnjake za upotrebu kao kriterijume za segmentaciju, ciljanje i ponovno ciljanje u marketinškim kanalima. Slanje pošte (glavni igrači = Iterable i Braze): danas u svijetu postoje stotine proizvoda za razmjenu poruka, ali kada su u pitanju alati napravljeni za Growth Stack, mi tražimo proizvode koji su na prvom mjestu za integraciju, koji mogu povlačiti podatke sa više izvora brzo i efikasno.Iako treba da budu jaki u tradicionalnim izvorima razmjenjivanja poruka, kao šti su e-pošta, Web Push, App Push i obavještenja u aplikaciji, takođe bi trebalo da imaju fleksibilnost da služe kao mehanizam za automatizaciju teoretski bilo kog kanala za razmjenu poruka. Opet preporučujemo da izbjegavate „višenamjenske“ proizvode koji pokušavaju da kombinuju više osnovnih funkcija “growth stack”-a. Sa te 4 osnovne funkcionalne komponente, imaćete obezbijeđenu glavnu infrastrukturu vašeg “Growth Stack”-a, iako sigurno ima više dijelova (kao što su skladište podataka, BI alati, web personalizacija i još mnogo toga) koji zahtevaju dalju diskusiju. Zapamtite, ako zvuči previše, ne morate sve da pravite odjednom! Ono što preporučujemo je da počnete sa mapiranjem svojih potreba i Growth stack-a iz snova, a zatim dajte prioritet najvećim “bolnim tačkama” i prvo ih “izliječite”. Ako imate dugoročnu strategiju marketinške tehnologije koja se gradi u pravom smjeru, na pravom ste putu!
Growth Stack Series #2 – HOW TO develop a strategy for your Growth Stack

In our last post we covered the basics of what a Growth Stack is and why it’s important. In this post, we’ll cover a bit of strategy when thinking about building or upgrading your Growth Stack. We’ll also take a look at some of the key functional areas of the Growth Stack including CDP, Messaging Tools, Mobile Attribution and Product Analytics. As a starting point, remember that what we’re trying to achieve is to get your entire digital ecosystem connected, integrated, and talking to each other. That opens the door to “personalization at scale” as you can truly coordinate across channels when every channel knows what’s happening with that user across everything else that you’re doing. The second important goal is to future-proof your business by adopting a strategic view on your technology to ensure you’re always ready to adapt your stack as the digital ecosystem continues to evolve at an ever-faster pace. A couple of important principles to consider: Avoid “multi-function” or “all-in-one” technology: it is nearly impossible for any single-function technology to stay on top these days, as an increasingly competitive landscape is producing new “best of breed” technology at ever-more-rapid pace. Multi-function or supposed “all-in-one” technology doesn’t stand a chance – even if one of the core functions is good, other functions will lag behind and you can end up “stuck” with a solution that’s not meeting your needs. Integration-first is a must. The very first thing Ematic Solutions looks at when evaluating technology is the API documentation and the underlying data model. A great product with limited bi-direction integration capabilities is utterly useless to a Growth Marketer as it creates a silo that breaks the entire vision of an interconnected ecosystem. Ideally many integrations should be pre-built, plug and play solutions that make it possible for a marketer vs an engineer to connect. Step-change your way to glory: you don’t need to build your entire growth stack all at once. If you’re just getting started building your stack, just start by making technology choices that will become future components of your growth stack. If you’re evaluating several options, pick the one that is going to be the best fit for your future growth stack. As you change out parts over time, your ecosystem will become increasingly interconnected as you bring more pieces together. Maintain flexibility. Avoid any contracts longer than a year until you’ve got your stack firmly built out, and you have a clear view how any given piece of technology is going to work for your business. Things are changing all the time, and the more contract flexibility you have, the better position you will be in to change out or upgrade components when the time comes. Manage your costs. Building a growth stack can get expensive, and if you’re finding the proposition to be budget-stretching, look for tradeoffs: depending on the nature of your business, some parts of the Growth Stack will be more important than others. Invest where you need to, but look for some lower-cost alternatives in less-critical components to make sure you reserve some dry powder for when you need it. With those considerations in mind, let’s take a look at some of the core components of a Growth Stack: CDP = Customer Data Platform (major players = Segment, Tealium and mParticle): this is the essential piece of infrastructure, as it is the data hub to connect everything in your digital ecosystem. There are many players now advertising CDP as part of their offering, but our opinion is that most of them aren’t really CDP. The most important aspect of CDP is that it can work with any technology you are using, so if you see CDP functionality that is tightly bundled with other core Growth Stack components, that should be a red flag. We like the pure play CDP’s best, that just focus on data inputs and outputs while creating a central view of the customer. Also, we view CDP as something of an investment rather than a direct ROI play, so if you’re struggling with budgets, you can consider starting with other components, but at some point CDP must be on you roadmap. Mobile Attribution (major players = Appsflyer, Adjust and Branch): this is an absolute must for anyone with a mobile app, as it is the only way to measure the efficacy of your App Download Campaigns. Unlike the web, where you have direct access to analytics about which customers came from which campaign, when your users go to download your app from the app stores, the “chain” of data is broken because the event happens purely in a 3rd party environment. Attribution tools not only allow you to measure your ROI effectively from your app download campaigns, but they also feed the initial event data (who’s downloaded, have they activated, etc) into your data ecosystem. This is critical for retargeting and activating users. Product Analytics (major players = Mixpanel and Amplitude): the key to driving rapid growth of your user base is to have an iterative approach to optimizing your app. Testing, analysis, and iteration form the core of ensuring your users love your product, and Product Analytics tools are built for product teams to easily perform this iterative approach. As a side benefit, the data generated by these products is GREAT for marketers to use as segmentation, targeting and retargeting criteria in marketing channels. Messaging (major players = Iterable and Braze): there are hundreds of messaging products in the world today, but when it comes to tools that are built for the Growth Stack, we look for products that are integration-first, with an ability to consume data from numerous sources quickly and simply, and while they need to be strong in traditional messaging channels like Email, Web Push, App Push and In-app notifications, they should also have the flexibility to serve as an automation engine to theoretically any messaging channel. Again we recommend avoiding “multi-purpose” products that try to combine multiple of the core
Breaking the Curse: How to stop being haunted by email fatigue
If you are a Marketer and have been using Email Marketing as one of your retention channels, you’d probably heard about “email fatigue” before. Email fatigue is real and is a huge issue when doesn’t matter how well-optimized your email content is, performance keeps on decreasing over time. So what is Email Fatigue? What makes our emails “fatigue”? What are the best ways to avoid it? As an expert who has been working in the Email Marketing & Marketing Technology field for over 12 years now, Our Founder – Paul Tenney shared his views about the issue in the Webinar hosted on Pathwire’s Event. Watch the full webinar here: Here are four main takeaways from the Webinar: If the fatigue occurs as a result of time functions, it suggests that newer subscribers are superior to older ones. To improve performance, shift the dynamic as much as possible in favor of new subscribers. Ensure that your customer database is engaged in receiving your email blasts on a regular basis. Three times a week is recommended for people in the e-commerce industry. The causes are as follows: ensuring that you make the most of the data you have, deliverability – if you have a deliverability problem, all of the dynamic blocks will be reset after 24-72 hours, reputation – more frequent mailers get better reputation because they are consistent in term of the email sending volume. Give people some time off if they aren’t engaging as their tendency to respond to future emails will increase over time. What you don’t want to do is cut them off because you’ll lose a lot of top-line performance. Email marketing automation is a completely paradoxical concept. People, for the most part, spend more money creating journeys than they do making money from them. However, abandoned cart emails allow you to pull conversion from that leaky bucket before they leaked out without having to blast them a lot of emails, which will drive more fatigue and lower your open and click rates over time. As a result, the real value of email marketing automation is to reduce the dependency of a blast email. Ematic Solutions has built a plugin called Hi-iQ that automatically manages fatigues and addresses them systematically. You DON’T need to pay for it until it saves you some money. If you’re interested in a Hi-iQ trial, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Segment: Jednostavan, a opet moćan alat za ujedinjenje podataka vašeg growth stack-a

Za marketare koji traže moderan i kvalitetan growth stack, Ematic vam predlaže da razmotrite Segment. Iako je u posljednje vrijeme CDP ili Customer Data Platform, vrlo atraktivan pojam, prava potreba nije sama platforma. Ono što stvarno zanima ljude je integracija podataka i ujedinjenje analitike i upravo to je temelj današnjeg growth stack-a. CDP služi kao jedinstveni izvor istine o vašim podacima, koji vam omogućuje da budete u prednosti u realnom vremenu, a sve za vašu marketinšku dobrobit. Iako je koncept jednostavan, CDP se sastoji od nekoliko komponenti: Konekcije podataka: Ovaj sloj služi da skuplja, ujedini i poveže sve podatke iz različitih izvora Praćenje podataka: Ovaj sloj štiti integritet vaši podataka i čuva ih Građenje publike: Posljednji sloj gradi jednistven profil i publiku kako bi kupcima omogućuo posebno skrojeno iskustvo u realnom vremenu Neka CDP rješenja poput Segmenta pružaju mogućnost odvojenog praćenja sve tri metrike. Sa Segmentovim “Data Connections” proizvodom, marketarski san o korištenju najboljih alata za ujedninjenje svih podataka širom različitih digitalnih platformi postaje stvarnost. Ne samo da je u pitanju pristupačno rješenje, već ste u mogućnosti da uštedite troškove marketinga, kao i da poštedite vaš tim mukotrpnog rada (pogotovo IT sektor kada su u pitanju komplikovane integracije i prikupljanje podataka preko različitih platformi). Uz pomoć Segmentovog ujedinjenog tracking code-a, vaš tim se može baviti bitnijim stvarima, dok su svi podaci ujedinjeni i laki za čitanje. Nakon što integrišete Segment-ove “Connections”, dodavanje i promjena vašeg growth stack-a postaje mačiji kašalj – uz nekoliko klikova možete doći do superiornih podataka koji će vam uštediti vrijeme i novac. Ako pogledate druge vrste ovakve marketinške tehnologije: Mixpanel, Amplitude, Iterable, Braze, Adjust, Appsflyer, integracija Segmenta vam omogućuje da rapidno razvijate kompletan marketinški stack, te da značajno uštedite vrijeme i novac. I dalje veoma volimo Tealium kao primarnu opciju kada je u pitanju CDP, ali za marketare koji nisu potpuno spremni na taj nivo integracije, toplo preporučujemo Segment, kao odličnu zamjenu koju može koristiti bilo ko bez obzirna na tehničku pismenost. Promijenite putanju vašeg growth stack-a, sad i ubuduće. Ako vas više zanima Segment, mi u Ematic-u možemo oranizovati demo i ponuditi konsultacije. Kontaktirajte s nama i mi ćemo vam pomoći!
Topenland: How does a leading PropTech Company build its Growth Stack?

Topenland Viet Nam Corporation is a pioneering real estate technology platform (using Big Data & AI) where everyone can participate and succeed in real estate buying – selling – brokerage – investment – in only one platform. Topenland’s mission is to close the gap and remove barriers between real estate buyers and sellers. About the users: unlike other real estate platforms, Topenland’s product is for all participants with different purposes: buyers, sellers, brokers, investors… So they need to have a holistic understanding of user behavior since these visits are anonymous. Engaging users to different cohorts without knowing where they come from, who they are, what they need is like throwing a dart in the dark: it’s nearly impossible to hit your “target” or in this case, your business goals. About the product: their product is pioneering in this section, an all-in-one platform for any one who wants to buy, sell or invest in real estate. They need to deeply understand how users interact with their features & experience the product. Internal Resources constraints: lack of knowledge and experience to review and explore marketing technologies in the market. A holistic approach for marketing technologies stack demo: avoid silos demo from different marketing technologies and miss out the full picture of how each platform integrated and work together to meet their requirements. After reaching out to many vendors in the market, Topenland decided to select Ematic Solutions as their sole delegate. Throughout the process, Ematic has: Helped to contact, review and compare unbiasedly different sets of tools based on the client’s requirements, and met both of their short and long term growth plans. Helped to negotiate with different vendors to lower their quotation as well as get the client the most beneficial contracts with those vendors. Connect all the platform providers in their Growth Stack to organize a whole stack demo session. Help them to simplify their paperwork and payment process with multi and international platform providers. Played a role as their Project Manager to help the client connect all the vendors and co-manage the whole implementation process. Provide them an ongoing maintenance and consultation as well keep their growth stack up to date and ensure it all aligns with Topenland business objectives at different stages. Why this set of tools? This “best of breed” system gives Topenland the flexibility to add-on, replace or remove any tool without affecting the operation of other tools in the whole stack. It meets all of the requirements of BI, Product, Marketing and Growth teams in: tracking and analyzing users’ behaviors as well as their campaigns. building up Customer 360° view and retargeting them in every touchpoints at the channels they prefer give them strong evidence to optimize their product as well as verify their hypothesis in developing new features. – Topenland saved 3 months in the implementation process (based on the current timeline) compared to their current internal resources (thanks to Ematic helping them to do the coordination with their vendors). – Through Ematic’s partnership, Topenland saved 30% of implementation fee, 20% of platform fee and 60% of the ongoing support fee compared to working directly with each platform provider.
Segment: A simple yet powerful data unification solution for your growth stack

For marketers looking to build a modern, best-of-breed growth stack, Ematic highly recommends looking at Segment as a starting point. While “CDP” or Customer Data Platform has practically become a buzzword recently, the essential need isn’t the actual data platform. It’s simply the data integration and data unification layer that is the foundation of today’s growth stacks. CDP serves as a single source of truth of your data that enables you to leverage them in real-time for marketing purposes. While the concept is simple, CDP consists of a few components: Some CDP solutions like Segment offers these three components individually. With Segment’s “Data Connections” product, the dream of using the best tools and leveraging a unified data set across the entire digital ecosystem becomes possible. It is not only an affordable solution, but it can potentially reduce costs overall and fundamentally reduce a fair amount of manual work for your IT team to collect and connect customer data from multiple data sources (e.g., GA/FB pixel/Intercom) using Segment’s unified tracking code. Once you’ve set up Segment’s “Connections” product, adding or changing components of your growth stack goes from “complex and expensive” to “plug and play” which means whether you’re leveraging 3rd parties or your own team to perform the setup, your costs go down dramatically. If you’re looking at Mixpanel, Amplitude, Iterable, Braze, Adjust, Appsflyer, or other best of breed marketing technology, integrating Segment first allows you to rapidly develop the entire stack and get your time to value down to an absolute minimum. We still very much like Tealium as a more full-featured CDP play, but for marketers who aren’t quite ready for that level, consider Segment as an excellent utility play that can completely change the trajectory of your growth stack both now and into the future. If you are interested in understanding more about Segment, Ematic can help organize a demo and provide consultation. Talk to our buyer’s agent and get yourself a demo!
Sezona praznika 2021: Vodič za marketing

Dolazi nam sezona praznika, najproduktivniji period godine za eCommerce firme. Potrošači su odlično raspoloženi i spremni na kupovinu. Obzirom da su ljudi na odmorima, digitalna aktivnost je u punom zamahu. Ove godine, uz svu nesigurnost koju nam je donijela pandemija, marketari se pitaju kako optimizovati strategije sa promjenama potrošačkih navika. Da bismo vam pomogli da se pripremite za sve izazove koje nosi ovaj preiod i da se najbolje pripremite mi smo Vam spremili ulitmativni vodič prazničnog e-mail marketinga koji će omogućiti da praznična sezona počne u najboljem raspoloženju. Spremite se na velike prihode! Čisti i centralizovani podaci Rast baze podataka Integracija u realnom vremenu svih resursa podataka Provjera infrastrukture dostavljanja elektronske pošte Potpuno praćenje otvaranja, klikova, konverzija i prihoda Predpraznično usporavanje Najbolje strategije za učestalost slanja pošte Unapređivanje angažovanosti korisnika i smanjenje zasićenosti Korištenje ponašanja na vebu za ciljanje korisnika, uz visoku konverziju prihoda Testiranje i optimizacija Spremanje kalendara Vašeg sadržaja Preuzmite potpuni vodič ovdje