
Ako ste u potrazi za novim marketinškim tehnologijama, pametan potez bi bio da kontaktirate sa Ematic Solutions-om. Bez posebne naknade, cijeli jedan tim će vam se pridružiti kao agent kupovine i pomoći vam da razmotrite najpogodnije opcije, ugovorite najbolje cijene, osiguraće da dobijete najbolje proizvode po najboljim cijenama svaki put. Naši timovi su lokalni i razumiju vaše potrebe, a radiće za vas kako bi osigurali da ostvarite očekivani ishod. Ematic Solutions nije naročito naklonjen nijednoj tehnologiji i ne pokušava vam prodati nešto. Tu smo da vam pomognemo sa svakim aspektom kupovnog procesa, a ponekad je rješenje jednostavno u otklanjanju grešaka sa postojećim provajderom, bez kupovine novog proizvoda. Ukoliko biste direktno komunicirali sa provajderima, tada biste na raspolaganju jedino imali njihove agente prodaje. Njihov zadatak bi bio da vas ubijede kako je njihov proizvod najbolji i najvjerovatnije bi vam prodali proizvod po najvišoj mogućoj cijeni pod uslovima koji najviše njima odgovaraju. Prodavac vam nikada neće reći kako je njihov proizvod loš ili neodgovarajući za vaš biznis, naprotiv, ubijediće vas da je taj proizvod baš ono za čim ste u potrazi, često izvrćući samu istinu. Nije li onda bolje imati nekoga na “vašoj strani” ko bi vam mogao dati iskrene i nepristrasne informacije? Zar ne biste željeli nekoga ko je vidio na hiljade ugovora i ko poznaje aktuelne tarife tržišta, ko može pregovarati u vaše ime i pomoći vam da ugovorite najpogodnije uslove? Ili još bolje, zar ne bi bilo odlično kada NE biste imali deset prodavaca koji vas stalno pozivaju, šalju iznova ponude i stvaraju vam pritisak vremenskim ograničenjem koji je zasnovan na njihovim, a ne vašim potrebama? Ematic Solutions ima tim od preko 100 stručnjaka marketinških tehnologija, koji konstantno pretražuju tržište i čitav ekosistem koji sada uključuje preko 10,000 kompanija. Mi vam možemo dati pregled tržišta i pomoći da suzite izbor na nekoliko preporučenih proizvoda koji najviše odgovaraju vašim potrebama. Kada ste spremni, naši konsultanti za rast vam mogu pomoći da se javite provajderima za koje ste zainteresovani, te možete organizovati sastanke direktno sa njima, a onda suziti vaš izbor na nekoliko koji vam najviše odgovaraju. Ako se ispostavi da niste spremni ili da vam niti jedan provajder ne odgovara, ne brinite! Niste obavezni da platite, a ako želite, možete istražiti još opcija. S druge strane, ako ste zainteresovani da kupite nešto, tada vam vjerovatno Ematic može najviše pomoći: naš tim ima uvid u preko hiljadu ugovora godišnje, poznajemo tarife tržišta i uslove ugovora. Možemo pregovarati u vašu korist, a ishod će biti da vi dobijete najbolji proizvod, za najbolju cijenu, i to svaki put kada kupujete preko Ematic-a. A možda najbolje od svega: nije nužno sve gotovo kada kupite proizvod! Ematic vam može pomoći sa svim implementacijama, migracijama, integracijama sa drugim marketinškim tehnologijama kao i sa kontinualnom podrškom – i to sve sa lokalnom i profesionalnom podrškom. To svakako nije sve, jer mi redovno vršimo pregledanje marketinških tehnologija i ponuda na tržištu, tražeći najnaprednija rješenja koja ćemo zasigurno prvi otkriti. Paul Tenney Founder
Ematic can help you SOURCE marketing technology at the best prices and terms
If you’re in the market for new marketing technology, the smart move is to contact Ematic Solutions first. At no cost to you, an entire team of experts joins your team as your “buyer’s agent” to help you review the best options, negotiate the best deals, and ensure that you get the best product at the best price every time. Our teams are local and understand your needs, and will work on your behalf to ensure that you get the outcome you are looking for. Ematic Solutions isn’t beholden to any one technology, and isn’t here to sell you something. We are here to help you with every aspect of the buying process, and sometimes the answer is to simply fix what’s wrong with your current provider or not buy anything at all if there’s not a good match for your needs. When you contact providers directly, they will send you their agents, whom you know as “sales people.” It’s their profession to convince you that their product is the best for you and get you to buy it at the highest possible price and the most favorable terms to them. A sales person will never tell you that their product isn’t a good fit for your business, and often times will even stretch the truth about their product’s capabilities to convince you that it can do exactly what you’re looking for. Isn’t it a good idea then to have someone on your team who can provide honest, unbiased opinions? Don’t you want someone on your team who’s seen thousands of contracts and knows what the market rates are, where you can negotiate, and can help create the best environment for you to get the deal you want? Even better, wouldn’t it be great not to have 10 sales people calling you constantly, sending you follow ups and check ins, and pressuring you on timelines that are based on their needs vs your needs? Ematic Solutions has a team of over 100 marketing technology experts constantly reviewing the entire ecosystem that now includes 10k+ companies building marketing technology. We can give you an overview of the market and help narrow down a few recommendations that will uniquely fit your needs. When you’re ready, our Growth Consultants can help reach out to the providers you’re interested in to organize pitch meetings directly with them, then narrow down to a few finalists for the negotiations to begin. If you’re not ready or didn’t find the right thing, no worries! There’s no commitment to buy and if you’d like we can help explore some more options. If you are ready to proceed into the buying process, this is perhaps where Ematic can help most: collectively our team sees thousands of deals every year, and we know what the current market rates look like, and what kind of terms can be negotiated in your favor. The outcome will be that you get the right product at the best possible price, every time when you start with Ematic. Perhaps best of all: we’re not done once the purchase is complete! Ematic can also help with implementations, migrations, integrations with your other marketing technology and ongoing support, all delivered locally and professionally. Not only that, we’re constantly reviewing the marketing technology landscape, and if something better becomes available, we’ll be the first to let you know.