Motionable for Email Marketing: The power of video to the inbox, but finally in a way that works

Have you ever thought of implanting a video in your email content? If the answer is yes, take a look at Motionable. They are a motion video ads agency that enables marketers to deliver a video-like experience in the inbox in an email-friendly way using animated gifs. Typically in email, having a video has never been possible due to the limitations of the inbox environment. Marketers have wanted to put videos in email for a long time, and as a workaround, some usually apply gifs. However, it’s generally just cramming a set of frames into a single file for sequential playback. Motionable offers video-like animated gifs that efficiently grab and hold your subscriber’s attention, and it’s affordable enough to do it at scale. They leverage your static assets and turn them into visually engaging animated gifs to help deliver complex pictures and ideas into a short and straightforward clip. It helps to develop strong brand recall and promote awareness among your email subscribers. If you are interested to understand the requirements needed, template examples, pricing, and best practices, our buyer’s agent can help you arrange a demo and consult with the experts. Contact us now and start bringing your email to life!